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Services – OSTTM

Onshore OST unit ready to be deployed.
OST unit being placed in a pond.


clarity resources group
Oxygen Saturation Technology (OSTTM) is a state-of-the-art, industrial-grade aeration system. The patented design eliminates issues associated with traditional aeration systems, such as induced oxygen demands, sediment resuspension from mixing, and limited dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. OSTTM is the first aeration system to provide oxygen blanketing (with DO up to 25 mg/L) over and into lake sediments, eliminating sediment-driven water quality issues and addressing internal loading of nutrients paired with enhanced oxidation of externally loaded nutrients helps to eliminate HAB. OSTTM can ensure that any desired DO level is maintained regardless of water depth or climatic events because oxygen is generated directly on-site and quantitatively added to the water.

A submersible pump is used to circulate water at the bottom of the lake. Oxygen that is generated via an onshore oxygen generator is added to the water circulated by the pump and passes through the oxygen contact chambers.  The oxygen enriched water is then is then distributed back along the bottom, allowing development of an oxygen blanket over the lake sediment. Because of this patented technology, OSTTM is the only aeration method that can guarantee desired DO levels are met allowing for ecosystem health to be maintained.

The efficiency of OSTTM cannot be matched with any other system; operation times are often one- third that of traditional aeration systems. This is obtained by continuously maintaining a pre- programmed DO level via automation, turning OFF/ON depending on real-time monitoring of reservoir DO concentrations which offers substantial electrical savings.

Why OST Was Developed

How OST Works

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