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OSTTM (Oxygen Saturation Technology) is a patented aeration system designed to increase and maintain oxygen in a water body. It consists of a pump, contact chambers, intake and discharge headers, and an oxygen source. For lake and pond applications, the oxygen source is on land, and all other components are in the water, usually the deepest part of the lake. For other municipal-type projects (wastewater, odor control, BOD reduction, aquaculture, horticulture, etc.), all components are skid mounted for a plug-and-play type installation. The pump draws water in through the intake header, oxygen from the onshore oxygen generation system is added to the flowing water, the oxygenated water is discharged into the contact chambers, oxygen dissolves into the water as it passes through the contact chambers. The oxygen-enriched water is then discharged through the discharge header at the bottom some distance from the intake.
OSTTM is designed to meet the oxygen demand of a water body, allowing for any desired oxygen concentration to be achieved. Each OSTTM uses a feedback loop from a dissolved oxygen sensor deployed with the contact chambers to monitor operation, allowing each unit to be turned on/off automatically based on user input, whether set to maintain 15 – 20 mg/L for strongly stratified water bodies or 8 – 12 mg/L for more polymictic ones.

Oxygen is generated by a very safe process called pressure swing adsorption. Compressed air is passed through a media bed that absorbs nitrogen under pressure, producing 90% nominal purity oxygen.

Oxygen is added to the water body from discharging the oxygen-enriched water from the OST unit, which in turn, through natural dispersion, spreads throughout the water body relative to the temperature of the oxygen-enriched water discharged.

The oxygen generators discharge oxygen at 90% nominal purity, and the oxygen transfer efficiency of OSTTM is rated at 90%.

Even though the oxygen-enriched water is discharged from a small header relative to the rest of the water body, the oxygen is spread through natural dispersion and advection when the wind blows, causing the water body to seiche (slosh back and forth). Think of slowly pouring cream into coffee and then gently swirling the cup.

The OST unit is placed on the bottom of a lake or pond to promote the circulation of the colder water on the bottom. As the cold water is pumped through the OST unit, the oxygen-enriched water, when discharged, stays blanketed over the bottom, promoting an oxygen blanket over the sediments.

This varies from project to project; however, it is not uncommon to see a 6 – 8-inch reduction in muck following the first year of oxygenation, which was reported for a small pond in Wisconsin.

OSTTM is NOT an algaecide; rather, it is a tool to prevent the formation of HABs by preventing nutrients (phosphorus) in the sediment from being released to the water column and by promoting nitrification, the conversion of ammonia to nitrate.
OSTTM improves fisheries by allowing a water body to be maintained greater than 8 mg/L, the threshold of oxygen concentration at which oxidative stress is eliminated for fish. Additionally, for cold-water fish, such as trout, higher dissolved oxygen levels allow trout to survive in water characteristically warmer than their preferred maximum temperatures.

OST has not had any observed or reported negative effect on lake biota when used to increase and maintain oxygen levels.

Maintaining stratification promotes better health for cold-water fisheries. Mixing homogenizes temperature, which favors fewer species of fish. Also, maintaining a cooler environment slows the sediment’s metabolic rate of organic decomposition. Less mixing means less sediment resuspension, which results in lower oxygen demands to satisfy.

A diffuser-based aeration system injects compressed air into a water body to promote mixing of the ow DO at the bottom with the surface so it can be aerated by the atmosphere. OSTTM strips nitrogen from a compressed air source and dissolves only the oxygen from the atmosphere into a water stream, therefore circulating oxygen-enriched water.

Traditional aeration systems can add about 4 kg-O2 / acre while maintaining 5 mg/L in the bulk water, and they have been observed to add more. However, these results are often biased by algal activity. Although DO levels are observed higher during the photosynthesis process during the day, they drop to 1 to 3 mg/L at night when algae are undergoing respiration and consuming oxygen.

OSTTM dissolves oxygen gas into the water and discharges the oxygen-enriched water, whereas nanobubbles claim they are discharging super-small bubbles that move throughout the water column. However, this contradicts the laws of physics regarding the spreading between density layers in a water body.

We recommend two oxygen thresholds: a stratified range and a mixed range. For stratified water bodies, we recommend 15 – 20 mg/L in the bottom waters to promote deeper penetration into the sediments. For mixed water bodies, we recommend 80 – 100% saturation at temperature, which is typically 8 – 12 mg/L. We highly recommend a maximum DO level of 25 mg/L. Greater than 25 mg/L places undue stress on fish.

The shallowest application OSTTM has been implemented is 2.5 meters (8 feet) deep, but it was originally designed for a 1—1-meter (3 feet) depth.
Saturation technology has been implemented in larger lakes, with one of the largest having a 15 mi2 surface area. OSTTM, being newer to the market, has not been implemented in larger lakes, but it is designed to be modular and scalable. Current designs are slated for 2025 for lakes ranging from 1 to 5 mi2 surface area.
For smaller systems, typically less than 10 acres of total surface area, OST® is sized to add between 4 and 6 kg/acre day. For larger systems, an oxygen demand study is recommended, such as an in-situ SOD measurement. Typical data for an OSTTM to be sized are (1) a topographical map to identify the surface area to apply oxygen demands to and (2) discrete depth temperature data to identify the hypolimnion (cold water) boundary.
OSTTM can be applied to most water bodies relative to acreage and depth. OSTTM is best suited for water bodies less than 15 meters (50 feet) deep.
No, OSTTM does not directly address shallow parts of the lake because oxygen enrichment predominantly occurs near the bottom in the deepest part of the lake. Over time, however, shallow parts of the lake may improve as less algal biomass is allowed to grow in the main water body.

The common electrical cost is $5/acre-day during peak summer operation but may vary depending on regional electrical costs. Operational/maintenance costs range from $500 – $1,000 per year.

Yes, the pump and corresponding motor are in the water. The electrical components use the same protection as a typical fountain.

An important thing to remember is that OSTTM uses mechanical equipment, which should be visually inspected regularly, for example, at least monthly. This includes checking air filters, gas connections, gas flow rate, and other system components. The PM (preventative maintenance) schedule for the oxygen generators is typically every 2 years. Inspection and cleaning of the headers can range from semi-annually to every couple of years, depending on the conditions in which the unit is deployed.

The off-the-shelf units can fit under a decorative rock or equivalent size structure that measures approximately 48” x 60” x 60” for the larger units and 36” x 48” x 48: for the smaller units.

The two off-the-shelf sizes are three ft2 base and 7ft tall and 4 ft2 base and 8 ft tall.

The two off-the-shelf OSTTM units have headers that are 60 ft and 75 ft long for the smaller and larger units, respectively.
Yes, OSTTM can be used in saltwater. Typical modifications include using all 316 SS fittings and connections and increasing the frequency of header inspection/cleaning.

Absolutely. Click the link below to download our full product spec sheet, and reach out to our team if you have any questions.

OST Spec Sheet